4th Degree History
Through the efforts of a small group of men, who had the advancement and growth of the Knights of Columbus at heart, the first assembly in the State of Oregon was instituted at Portland in June, 1908 a month following the first exemplification in the District of Oregon and Washington. This assembly, then composed of sixteen members, started the great work of fostering the teachings and ideals of the Order, which is evidenced by its many noteworthy achievements.
Formerly, the states of Oregon and Washington comprised one district but in August, 1920 the District of Oregon was crated. Supreme Director Frank J. Lonergan being appointed the first Master to serve temporarily. On October 12, 1921 under the direction of Master Robert J. O’Neil there was an exemplification held in Portland where 168 members of the Order were advanced to the fourth degree honors.
Following the exemplification, three general assemblies were organized; Archbishop Ireland Assembly, Albany, Corvallis and Eugene; Abbot Adelhelm Assembly, Mt. Angel and Salem; and Cardinal Gibbons Assembly, La Grande and Pendleton.