Choose the Parish or Council Number you're looking for below to find more information:

Table of Contents

Council Directory by Parish

Council #9257

Parish Address
7414 SE Michael Drive
Milwaukie, OR 97222

Parish Website


Council #16889

Parish Address
3732 SE Knapp St
Portland, OR 97202

Parish Website

Council #1767

Parish Address
7442 Crooked Finger Rd
Scotts Mills, OR 97375

Council #15605

Parish Address
375 NE Clackamas Street
Portland, OR 97232

Parish Website

Council #14802

Parish Address
13715 SW Walker Road
Beaverton, OR 97005

Parish Website

Council #16145

Parish Address
2127 Northwest Monroe Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97330

Parish Website

Council #2255

Parish Address
503 W Chocktoot St
Chiloquin, OR 97624

Council #1577

Parish Address
815 Broadalbin St. SW
Albany, OR 97321

Parish Website

Council #13851

Parish Address
21060 SW Stafford Road
Tualatin, OR 97062

Council #2255

Parish Address
815 High St.
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Council Website

Council #1594

Parish Address
South Oakdale & 10th
Medford, OR 97501

Council Website

Council #1748

Parish Address
721 Chemeketa St. NE
Salem, OR 97301

Parish Website

Council #2255

Parish Address
905 E Front St.
Merrill, OR 97633


Council #15640

Parish Address
9305 SW 5th Street
Wilsonville, OR 97070

Parish Website

Council #3179

Parish Address
346 NW First St
Gresham, OR 97030

Parish Website

Council #1785

Parish Address
501 NW 25th St
Corvallis, OR 97330

Parish Website

Council #8129

Parish Address
825 SW Mill St
Dallas, OR 97338

Parish Website

Council #7388

Parish Address
1430 SE Nehalem St.
Portland, OR 97202

Parish Website

Council #3157

Parish Address
NE 10th St
Grants Pass, OR 97526

Parish Website

Council #3591

Parish Address
9905 SW McKenzie St
Tigard, OR 97223

Parish Website

Council #6266

Parish Address
5105 SW Franklin Ave
Beaverton, OR 97005

Parish Website

Council #2255

Parish Address
31400 Hwy 70
Bonanza, OR 97633

Council #1623

Parish Address
1145 SE 1st Street
McMinnville, OR 97128

Parish Website

Council #2255

Parish Address
Hwy. 140
Bly, OR 97622


Council #2325

Parish Address
417 Washington Street
Oregon City, OR 97045

Parish Website

Council #3378

Parish Address
10955 SE 25th ave.
Milwaukie, OR 97222


Council #1767

Parish Address
575 E. College St.
Mt. Angel, OR 97362

Parish Website

Council #16145

Parish Address
501 NW 25th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330

Parish Website

Council #10684

Parish Address
5905 SE 87th ave.
Portland, OR 97222

Council #2325

Parish Address
18211 S. Henrici Rd.
Redland, OR 97045


Council #12656

Parish Address
1280 NW Saltzman Rd
Portland, OR 97229

Parish Website

Council #2255

Parish Address
4880 Bristol Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR 97603

Parish Website

Council Directory by Number

Portland Council

Instituted 1902 

Portland, OR 97218

Grand Knight: SK Michael T Campy

Baker City Council
2235 First Street
Baker City, OR 97814

Instituted 1904

Grand Knight: SK Harold A Huntington, Jr


Coos Council
2250 16th St.
North Bend/Coos Bay, OR 97459

Instituted 1907

Grand Knight: SK Bob Adams

William J. Leahy
1411 Grand Ave.
Astoria, OR 97103

Instituted 1908

Grand Knight: Donald G Gloisten, Jr


1144 Charnelton St
Eugene, OR 97405

Instituted 1909

Grand Knight: SK Marc J Langly

Council Address:

St John Vianney Room at St Marys Church
815 Broadalbin St SW
Albany, OR 97321

Instituted 1911

Parish Address:

Our Lady of Perpetual Help (St Mary’s)
815 Broadalbin St. SW
Albany, OR 97321

Grand Knight: SK Thomas F. Radel


Council Address:

Rogue River Council
772 Black Oak Dr
Medford, OR 97504-8548

Instituted 1911

Parish Address:

Sacred Heart
South Oakdale & 10th
Medford, OR 97501

Grand Knight: John E Prendergast

Home Corp

Council Address:

The Dalles Council
1111 Charry Heights Rd. P.O. box 34
The Dalles, OR 97058

Instituted 1912

Grand Knight: Francis Gilligan

Council Address:

McMinnville Council
1145 NE 1st Street
McMinnville, OR 97128

Instituted 1912

Parish Address:

St. James
1145 SE 1st Street
McMinnville, OR 97128

Grand Knight: SK Charles L J Pattishall


Council Address:

476 SE 3rd Ave
Hillsboro, OR 97123

Instituted 1912

Grand Knight: Michael Pranger


Council Address:

Snake River Valley Council
829 SW 2nd Ave.
Ontario, OR 97914

Instituted 1912

Grand Knight: Mr. William Feeley

Council Address:

800 SE Court
Pendleton, OR 97801

Instituted 1913

Grand Knight: SK Charles E Becktold


Council Address:

St. Joseph Council
721 Chemeketa St NE
Salem, OR 97301

Instituted 1914

Parish Address:

Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church
721 Chemeketa St. NE
Salem, OR 97301

Grand Knight: Steven C Brophy


Council Address:

Mt. Angel Council
740 E. College St.
PO Box 579
Mt. Angel, OR 97362

Instituted 1914

Parish Address:

Holy Rosary
7442 Crooked Finger Rd
Scotts Mills, OR 97375

St. Mary
575 E. College St.
Mt. Angel, OR 97362

Grand Knight: Ronald J. Schmidt


Council Address:

Corvallis Council
501 NW 25th St.
Lower Social Hall
Corvallis, OR 97330

Instituted 1915

Parish Address:

St Mary’s
501 NW 25th St
Corvallis, OR 97330

Grand Knight: Jim R Baumgartner

Home Corp

Council Address:

Fr. Luke Sheehan Council
2450 NE 27th Street
Bend, OR 97702

Instituted 1917

Council Address:

Tillamook Council
2411 5th Street
Tillamook, OR 97141

Instituted 1921

Grand Knight: SK Paul J Wostel

Council Address:

St. Paul Council
20200 Main Street
St. Paul, OR 97137

Instituted 1921

Grand Knight: SK Mark J Stupfel

Council Address:

Mt. Mcloughlin
1910 Greensprings Drive

Instituted 1921

Parish Address:

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
503 W Chocktoot St
Chiloquin, OR 97624

Sacred Heart
815 High St.
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

St Augustine
905 E Front St.
Merrill, OR 97633

St. Frances Cabrini Church
31400 Hwy 70
Bonanza, OR 97633

St. James
Hwy. 140
Bly, OR 97622

St. Pius X
4880 Bristol Avenue
Klamath Falls, OR 97603

Grand Knight: Michael J Swanson

Home Corp

Council Address:

Dr. John McLoughlin
417 Washington Street
Youth Room – Meeting Place
Oregon City , OR 97045

Instituted 1921

Parish Address:

St. John the Apostle Church
417 Washington Street
Oregon City, OR 97045

St. Philip Benizi
18211 S. Henrici Rd.
Redland, OR 97045

Grand Knight: SK Nicholas J Guarriello


Council Address:

Lakeview Council
179 South G street
Lakeview, OR 97630

Instituted 1922

Grand Knight: Mark Edward Louie

Council Address:

St. Anthony Council
11758 SE Church street
Sublimity, OR 97385

Instituted 1923

Grand Knight: Edwin Diehl


Council Address:

Fr. John Rubis Sr. Council
417 Harrison St.
Woodburn, OR 97071

Instituted 1941

Grand Knight: SK Daniel H Hemshorn

Council Address:

Roseburg Council
800 W. Stanton St
Roseburg, OR 97471

Instituted 1945

Council Address:

Carl Kebelbeck Council
1025 N.19th St.
Cottage Grove, OR 97424

Instituted 1948

Grand Knight: SK Kenneth M Roberts


Council Address:

St. Anne de Beaupre Council
c/o St Anne’s
1131 NE 10th Street
Grants Pass, OR 97526

Instituted 1948

Parish Address:

St. Anne de Beaupre Council
St. Anne
NE 10th St
Grants Pass, OR 97526

Grand Knight: SK Paul E Hammer

Home Corp

Council Address:

East Multnomah Council
233 NW First Street
Gresham, OR 97030

Instituted 1948

Parish Address:

St Henry
346 NW First St
Gresham, OR 97030

Grand Knight: Christopher D Baker

Home Corp

Council Address:

Lebanon Council
250 F Street
Lebanon, OR 97355

Instituted 1948

Grand Knight: Nathan P Adelman


Council Address:

Bishop McGrath Council
240 E. First St.
Prineville , OR 97754

Instituted 1950

Council Address:

Columbia – Scappoose Council
51555 Old Portland Road
Scappoose , OR 97056

Instituted 1952


Council Address:

10955 SE 25th Ave.
Milwaukie, OR 97222

Instituted 1950

Parish Address:

St. John the Baptist Church
10955 SE 25th ave.
Milwaukie, OR 97222

Council Address:

St. Patrick – Canby Council
498 NW 9th Ave.
Canby, OR 97013

Instituted 1952

Grand Knight: Michael V Robert


Council Address:

St. James council
301 Frances St.
Molalla, OR 97038

Instituted 1952

Council Address:

Our Lady of the Valley Council
9905 SW McKenzie St
Tigard, OR 97223

Instituted 1953

Parish Address:

St. Anthony Catholic Church
9905 SW McKenzie St
Tigard, OR 97223

Grand Knight: SK John C MacInnis


Council Address:

Redmond Council
1720 NW 19th Street
Redmond, OR 97756

Instituted 1953

Council Address:

East Port Rose Council
743 SE 76th Ave.
Portland, OR 97215

Instituted 1953

Council Address:

Our Lady of the Lake Council
650 A Avenue
Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Instituted 1954

Council Address:

Our Lady of Angels Council
565 W. Hermiston Ave.
Hermiston, OR 97838

Instituted 1955

Council Address:

Fr. Daniel Patrick Curley Council
1520 F St
Springfield , OR 97478

Instituted 1955

Council Address:

Fr. McDevitt Council
678 N. Egan Ave.
Burns, OR 97720

Instituted 1960

Council Address:

Fr. George O’Keefe Council
1010 Columbia St. NE
Salem, OR 97301

Instituted 1960


Council Address:

North Portland Council
5227 N. Bowdoin St.
Portland, OR 97203

Instituted 1962

Council Address:

Fr. Baur Council
1410 Pine street
Silverton, OR 97381

Instituted 1963

Council Address:

Joe Sidle Council
820 Old Country Road
Brookings , OR 97415

Instituted 1963

Council Address:

Sacred Heart Council
605 7th Street
Gervais, OR 97026

Instituted 1966

Council Address:

Fr. Luke O’Donnell
5105 SW Franklin Ave
Beaverton, OR 97005:

Instituted 1971

Parish Address:

St. Cecilia
5105 SW Franklin Ave
Beaverton, OR 97005

Grand Knight: Scott Petersen


Council Address:

Newberg Council
2315 N . Main St.
Newberg, OR 97132

Instituted 1974


Council Address:

Madras Council
341 SW J street
Madras, OR 97741

Instituted 1979

Council Address:

Rev. James P. Heade Council
927 N. Coast Hiway
Newport, OR 97365

Instituted 1979


Council Address:

Mid Columbia Council
1501 Belmont
Hood River, OR 97081

Instituted 1979

Council Address:

St. Agatha Council
7959 SE 15th Ave
Portland, OR 97202

Instituted 1979

Parish Address:

St. Agatha
1430 SE Nehalem St.
Portland, OR 97202

Grand Knight: Mr Ryan T Miller


Council Address:

St. Anne Council
1015 SE 182nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97235

Instituted 1981

Council Address:

St. Therese Council
1260 NE 132nd Ave
Portland, OR 97230

Instituted 1981

Grand Knight: SK Thomas J Burns


Council Address:

St. Thomas More Council
825 SW Mill St
Dallas, OR 97338

Instituted 1982

Parish Address: 

St Philip Catholic Church
825 SW Mill St
Dallas, OR 97338

Grand Knight: Jeremy L De Piero


Council Address:

Shaw Council
9168 Silver Falls Hwy.
Aumsville, OR 97325

Instituted 1982

Council Address:

Pope John Paul the Great
120 Oceanway St.
Seaside, OR 97138

Instituted 1983


Council Address:

Sweet Home Council
815 5TH Ave.
Sweet Home, OR 97386

Instituted 1984

Council Address:

Fr. Robert P. O’Hara Council
15651 SW Oregon Street
Sherwood, OR 97140

Instituted 1985


Council Address:

Christ the King
7414 SE Michael Drive
Milwaukie, OR 97222

Instituted 1986

Parish Address:

Christ the King Church
7414 SE Michael Drive
Milwaukie, OR 97222

Grand Knight: Dr Lester F Tengsico


Council Address:

Queen of Peace Council
SALEM, OR 97302

Instituted 1986


Council Address:

Grande Ronde Valley Council
1002 L avenue
LaGrande, OR 97850

Instituted 1986

Council Address:

Patrick J. Irish Council
1139 Hwy 101
Lincoln City, OR 97367

Instituted 1987

Council Address:

Rev. William Coughlan Council
16137 Burgess Rd.
La Pine, OR 97739

Instituted 1988

Council Address:

St. Edwards Council
5303 River Road
Keizer, OR 97303

Instituted 1991

Council Address:

Fr. Patrick J. Dooley
5905 SE 87th ave.
Portland, OR 97266

Instituted 1991

Parish Address:

St. Peter Church
5905 SE 87th ave.
Portland, OR 97222

Grand Knight: John P Howes


Council Address:

St. Paul the Apostle Council
1201 Satre Street
Eugene, OR 97401

Instituted 1992

Grand Knight: Tom Meienberg

Council Address:

St. Patrick Council
1275 E street
Independence, OR 97351

Instituted 1993

Council Address:

St. Augustine Council
c/o Shepherd of the Valley Catholic Church
600 Beebe Road
Central Point, OR 97502

Instituted 1994

Grand Knight: SK Edward A Dinius


Council Address:

The Madeleine Council
3123 NE 24th Ave.
Portland, OR 97212

Instituted 1995


Council Address:

St. Pius X
1280 NW Saltzman Rd
Portland, OR 97229

Instituted 2000

Parish Address:

St. Pius X
1280 NW Saltzman Rd
Portland, OR 97229

Grand Knight:Mr Robert W Moore


Council Address:

Our Lady of Guadalupe
c/o Our Lady of the Mountain
987 Hillview DriveOur
Ashland, OR 97520

Instituted 2003


Council Address:

St. Joseph the Worker
2400 SE 148th Ave.
Portland, OR 97233

Instituted 2004


Council Address:

925 Vining Street
Milton-Freewater , OR 97862

Instituted 2005

Council Address:

Knights of the Resurrection
21060 SW Stafford Road
Tualatin, OR 97062

Instituted 2005

Parish Address:

Resurrection Catholic Parish
21060 SW Stafford Road
Tualatin, OR 97062

Grand Knight: SK Douglas L Whitney


Council Address:

Fr. Basil Moureau C.S.C
5000 Willamette Blvd. (U. of Portland)
Portland, OR 97203

Instituted 2007


Council Address:

Msgr. Charles P. Taaffe council
13715 SW Walker Rd
Beaverton, OR 97005

Instituted 2009

Parish Address:

Holy Trinity Catholic Church
13715 SW Walker Road
Beaverton, OR 97005

Grand Knight: Br. David LaMora


Council Address:

Our Lady of LaVang
5404 NE Alameda Dr.
Portland, OR 97213

Instituted 2011

Council Address:

St. Mary’s Cathedral
1745 NW Davis
Portland, OR 97209

Instituted 2011

Council Address:

John Clare council
8538 SW 19th Ave.
Portland, OR 97219

Instituted 2012

Council Address:

John Clare council
8538 SW 19th Ave.
Portland, OR 97219

Instituted 2012


Council Address:

St. Andrew Dung-Lac
7390 SW Grabhorn Rd
Beaverton, OR 97007

Instituted 2012

Council Address:

Mt. Angel Seminary council
1 Abbey Drive
St. Benedict, OR 97373

Instituted 2012


Council Address:

Holy Rosary
375 NE Ckackamas St.
Portland , OR 97232

Instituted 2012

Parish Address:

Holy Rosary
Holy Rosary Church
375 NE Clackamas Street
Portland, OR 97232

Grand Knight: Brian P Dostal

Council Address:

Fr. Joseph Saal
St. Cyril Parish
9210 sw 5th street
Wilsonville, OR 97070

Instituted 2013

Parish Address:

St Cyril Catholic Church
9305 SW 5th Street
Wilsonville, OR 97070


Council Address:

St Juan Diego
5995 NW 178th Ave
Portland , OR 97229

Instituted 2013

Council Address:

Our Lady of the Dunes
85060 Highway 101 South
Florence, OR 97439

Instituted 2013

Council Address:

Oregon State University
2127 NW Monroe Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330

Instituted 2015

Parish Address: 

Newman Center
2127 Northwest Monroe Avenue
Corvallis, OR 97330

St. Mary Catholic Church
501 NW 25th Street
Corvallis, OR 97330

Council Address:

Fr. Joseph Black
470 S. 5th
Monroe, OR 97456

Instituted 2015

Council Address:

University of Oregon
1850 Emerald St.
Eugene, OR 97403

Instituted 2015


Council Address:

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
3145 SW 192nd Ave
Aloha, OR 97006

Instituted 2016

Grand Knight: Leroy Nuckles

Council Address:

Holy Family
7425 SE Cesar Estrada Chavez Blvd
Portland, OR 97202

Instituted 2018

Parish Address:

Holy Family Parish
3732 SE Knapp St
Portland, OR 97202

Grand Knight: SK Michael D Dominguez


Council Address:

San Jose
721 Chemeketa St. NE
Salem, OR 97301

Instituted 2018

Council Address:

Most Holy Trinity
355 Oregon Ave. SE
Bandon, OR 97411

Instituted 2019

Council Address:

St. Jude
4330 Willamette Street
Eugene, OR 97405

Instituted 2020

Council Address:

Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe
78922 Olson Road
Boardman, OR 97818

Instituted 2020

Council Address:

St. Rose of Lima
2727 NE 54th Ave
Portland, OR 97213

Instituted 2020

Council Address:

St. Patrick
498 NW 9th Ave.
Canby, OR 97013

Instituted 2021

Council Address:

Fern Ridge
25181 E Broadway Ave.

Veneta, OR 97487

Instituted 2022